10^ tappa blogtour NOTTE DI LUNA di Sonia Vela -Un anno in tour

Buongiorno cari lettori incalliti, oggi abbiamo tre appuntamenti sul blog (ebbene sì, devo recuperare!)
Cominciamo subito con una nuova tappa del blogtour che vi presenta il fantasy noir di Sonia Vela:
Notte di Luna, un anno in tour
In questi mesi abbiamo conosciuto molti aspetti di questo romanzo davvero fantastico, questa volta la tappa che ospito è particolare. Sì perché troverete la presentazione del libro in inglese. Perchè vi domanderete. Ebbene nelle intenzioni dell'autrice c'è la traduzione del romanzo in un prossimo futuro, quindi, per sostenere questa sua iniziativa che a mio parere meriterebbe molto, cominciamo a raccontare il libro a chi è madrelingua o a chi legge in inglese. Sosteniamo la diffusione all'estero dei libri made in Italy!!!
Da tenere presente
Come ad ogni tappa anche questa volta sarà possibile vincere un premio commentando questo post: tra i più bei commenti ne sarà scelto uno che riceverà uno splendido dono handmade realizzato dall'autrice.
And now...let's start!!
«There is a witch in every woman and every man...a dark area of our being that often we simply ignore. Sometimes, this area with its shadows and its incomparable light emerges where it had been hidden and, thanks to it, we rediscover ourselves as new person»
«There is a witch in every woman and every man...a dark area of our being that often we simply ignore. Sometimes, this area with its shadows and its incomparable light emerges where it had been hidden and, thanks to it, we rediscover ourselves as new person»
Title: Notte di luna
Author: Sonia Vela
148 pages
€. 14,50 hardcover / €. 4,99 ebook
ISBN libro: 978-88-6307-852-7
Publisher: 0111 Edizioni (30 GENNAIO 2015)
Francesca is a young city journalist. She likes write her articles surrounded by nature, within the walls of an old farmhouse overlooking a mountain lake. A saturday morning, while she get some sunshine on a deck chair on the porch that gives the input of the house, she fill with a strange feeling. A strange voice speaks through her mind and pushes her to head towards the icy waters of the lake. Careless about the cold, Francesca plunges in it and start swimming. When she arrives in the middle of the basin, she notices something terrible on the bottom. So she begins her own investigation and she'll discover a terrible secret from a distant past. A long and exhausting adventure that allows the journalist to face, for the first time, with her true identity.
One evening, Gioiosa was making an amulet for her beloved daughter as a symbol and means of protection. While she was supervising her mixtures, selecting dried herbs and enclosing them in a gauze to pack it in a bag, Ermes, as she had named her kitten, jumped from the windowsill, where he used to sit and watch the world, to rush into the cradle of Eleonora.
When Gioiosa turned toward him, she realized the cat was blowing towards the window waving his front paws from which you could clearly glimpse his long claws ready to face an invisible enemy for her.
Ermes continued to blow and look out of the window for some minutes, as if he had spotted a danger approaching from outside and he's protective instict had driven him immediatly towards his little mistress, who was sleeping peacefully unaware of the threat that Gioiosa was intent to investigate.
The lady quickly stroked the soft little head of the kitty to reassure him and ran to the window to observe any unwanted presences. Initially she didn't notice anything, but, just as she was placing the curtain that filtered the bright moonlight, a big black bird with a strong and sharp beak, hit the glass with violence, as if he were willing to break it.
Gioiosa approached his face to the thin glass and looked into the eyes of the crow. The irises of the witch widened and with a menacing and stared wild glare the crow seemed to face the lady for a moment, but after some instant, he indistinguishably vanished into the night.
Sonia Vela was born in Naples in 1985.
A degree in Clinical and Community Psychology , she lives and works in Bologna, where he delights in writing her novels.
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5 Commenti
Che meraviglioso lavoro! Anche il teaser tradotto! Semplicemente fantastico! Sono orgogliosa di avere incontrato sul mio cammino da scrittrice una blogger come te! Grazie infinite
RispondiEliminaL' autrice
Grazie *_*
EliminaCon autrici come te il lavoro diventa più semplice e piacevole! Un bacio!!
Mi incuriosisce moltissimo!
RispondiEliminaIo l'ho trovato davvero bello. Baci
Eliminacerto che Deb sei un vulcano di idee, fare proprio tutta la presentazione in inglese del libro di Sonia è stato geniale bellissimo e come al solito sei favolosa.
RispondiEliminaIo invece ho dovuto scoperchiare il dizionario di inglese sono proprio arrugginita, devo iniziare a far qualcosa per il mio inglese devo rimetterlo in cantiere ahahah
Brave ragazze siete fenomenali e auguro a Sonia tanta fortuna quando sbarcherà in Inghilterra.
I love You
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